Have you ever noticed how earning more leads to lesser satisfaction? And I don’t mean just money. This article goes explains this phenomenon using science.
Logarithms: The Long Forgotten Story Of Scientific Progress
Computing logarithms was not my favourite activity at school. It was much later that I understood the genius behind logarithms. In this article, I elaborate.
How To Use Science To Answer: “Should You Walk Or Run In The Rain?”
When you are caught off guard, should you walk or run in the rain? I was four or five years old when this question first crossed my mind. This article answers..
How To Tell A Real Law From A Fake One?
When was the last time you believed someone quoting a so-called scientific law? Telling a real law apart from a fake one is a necessary skill.
What Really Happens When You Measure A Coastline?
Say that you are tasked with figuring out how to measure a coastline. To do this, you are given a very detailed map of an arbitrary island. How do you procced?
What Is the Shortest Road Connecting 4 Cities?
Say that you have been tasked with figuring out the shortest road connecting 4 cities. These four cities are located at the vertices of a square. What now?
The Thrilling Story Of Calculus
The story of calculus is seldom told in schools. Most students learn calculus as a rigid block of algorithms. This article aims to to change this situation!
What Is Special About Absolute Zero That Makes It Impossible?
Absolute zero is the scientific term used to define the lowest possible temperature. But in practice, absolute zero cannot be reached. Why is this?
How Easy Is It Really To Predict The Future?
It takes skill and knowledge to predict the future. In fact, most scientific methods revolve around this notion. Yet, we are unable to predict the future. Why?
Why Do You See Mirrors Flipping Words?
Mirrors flipping words is a common observation, yet most of us don't know why. I represent our united curiosity about this topic and will be investigating it.