How To Really Understand The Philosophy Of Inferential Statistics? - An image showing a cute little cow with black and white spots on the left and cute little dog with black and white spots on the right. The cow is standing and the dog is jumping. The cow has a pink nose and pink inner-sides of ears. Likewise, the dog has a pink belly, pink inside of its mouth and pink inside of its ears. The cow says "I'm CERTAIN that I'm a cow." The dog says "I'm very confident that I'm a cow."

The philosophy of inferential statistics is not an everyday topic of discussion. But it lies at the core of every statistically significant study or experiment that happens/has happened in the scientific world. So, it is well worth diving into this topic and understanding it well. That is precisely what we are going to do in this essay.

To begin, we can split statistics into descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics aims to describe the properties of the data at hand. This is where fancy terms like mean, median, variance, kurtosis (for the more advanced reader), etc., get thrown about.

Inferential statistics, on the other hand, aims to “infer” meaningful conclusion(s) from the descriptive side of things. As you can imagine, inferential statistics is where terms like null hypothesis, statistical significance testing, ANOVA (for the more advanced reader), etc., get thrown about.

So, what is it about inferential statistics that interests us in this essay? Well, it is the “inference” part. Before we dive into the core philosophy, there is a fundamental mathematical method we will need to cover first.

The Mathematical Hammer — Proof by Contradiction

Proof by contradiction is a very old, tried-and-trusted method in the mathematical world. It uses the following logic:

1. You formulate a hypothesis (H) that you wish to discredit/reject.

2. You assume that this hypothesis (H) is true.

3. According to the hypothesis, evidence (E) should not be observed in the real world.

4. But evidence (E) IS observed in the real world.

5. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that the hypothesis (H) is false.

When deconstructed like this, the notion of proof by contradiction appears simple and trivial. However, we would be wrong to underestimate its effectiveness. To prove this point, let me illustrate how proof by contradiction tackles a relatively complex phenomenon very effectively.

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Proof by Contradiction — √2 is Irrational

Let us say that we are interested in proving that √2 is irrational. So, the hypothesis that we would like to reject is:

H: √2 is rational.

We can express a rational number as a fraction of whole numbers ‘m’ and ’n’ such that ‘m’ and ’n’ have no common factors (for example, 22/7).

Let us now assume that hypothesis (H) is true. If ‘m’ and ’n’ have no common factors, then ‘m’ and ’n’ cannot be both even whole numbers. Based on this we could say that if √2 is rational (H), it follows that both ‘m’ and ’n’ cannot be even numbers (evidence — E).

Let us now do some algebraic manipulation with the initial conditions that we just came up with:

How To Really Understand The Philosophy Of Inferential Statistics? — √2 = m/n; Squaring on both sides: (√2)² = (m/n)² → 2 = m²/n²; Multiplying by n² on both sides: 2n² = m²
Math illustrated by the author

If m² = 2n², it means that ‘m’ is an even number (because m² is an even number). An even number is one that can be expressed as two times another whole number. Based on this, we could say that m = 2k, where ‘k’ is an arbitrary whole number. Consequently, the following expression follows:

How To Really Understand The Philosophy Of Inferential Statistics? — 2n² = m² -> 2n² = (2k)² → 2n² = 4k²; Dividing by 2 on both sides: n² = 2k²
Math illustrated by the author

If n² = 2k², then it follows that ’n’ is an even number as well (because n² is even). If ‘m’ is even, and ’n’ is even, then evidence E is observed. However, according to hypothesis H that √2 is rational, this cannot occur. So, the only logical conclusion is that √2 is irrational. That is, √2 cannot be expressed as a fraction of whole numbers ‘m’ and ’n’. Therefore, the hypothesis: H is rejected.

This beautiful proof illustrates why proof by contradiction is so powerful. We start by formulating a hypothesis that we would like to reject and see if it leads to a logical contradiction. If it does, then the hypothesis cannot be correct and is rejected. If not, then our initial understanding was wrong, and the hypothesis that we wished to reject is accepted.

All this is great! But what does this have to do with inferential statistics? Well, let’s get to that.

The Philosophy of Inferential Statistics

It is very subtle, but inferential statistics ‘takes inspiration’ from proof by contradiction. The ‘takes inspiration’ part is a polite way of saying ‘cheap rip-off’. Why is it a cheap rip-off? Well, let’s look at the logical steps followed in inferential statistics first, and things will get clearer:

1. Formulate a null hypothesis (H0) that is the opposite of your hypothesis(H1).

2. Assume that H0 is true.

3. If H0 is true, then the probability of observing evidence (E) is very low (for example, the 0.05 p-value threshold suggested by R.A. Fisher).

4. Evidence E is observed in your experiment.

5. Consequently, the null hypothesis H0 is very improbable.

Do you see the commonality between this method and the one that we just covered for proof by contradiction? Well, beyond the commonalities, there are also some very subtle, yet consequential differences. In proof by contradiction, we were talking about “proofs” and “logical certainties”. In inferential statistics, we are talking about “probabilities”.

Therefore, you could say that inferential statistics deals with confidence-boosting by contradiction rather than proof by contradiction. “Confidence” is what the philosophy of inferential statistics revolves around. If we are confident enough about a hypothesis, we “infer” a decision.

The Limits of Inferential Statistics

My roots in inferential statistics lie in financial modelling. In the financial world, there is a thumb rule that any (semi-decent) practitioner knows:

Never bet the house!!

Regardless of the level of statistical significance you observe, never go all in on a very highly likely event. As I mentioned in my essay on statistical significanceimprobable is not the same as impossible. In other words, if something can horribly go wrong, it will; it is just a matter of time.

The trouble is that the method of inferential statistics is seldom transparent. If you are the one “inferring”, you would know the risks. But if you are the end-user or consumer, you are operating on blind trust.

In Fisher’s own words:

“The force with which such a conclusion is supported is logically that of a simple disjunction. Either an exceptionally rare chance has occurred, or the theory of random distribution is not true.

– R.A. Fisher

Fisher knew what he was talking about. Let us say that a machine learning model performs its function of designing a vaccine with a very high level of statistical confidence. The regulatory authorities are apparently happy with the statistics.

The only catch is that there is a very minor probability that 1 in 1 million people who take the vaccine would die. You and I are very, very unlikely to die from such a vaccine. But it is a certainty that (at least) someone will die from taking it (eventually, as the vaccinated population grows significantly).

This example just covers the known issue. The issue of the unknown ‘unknown’ is far more dangerous and remains. Since it is also far more complex, I’ll save that topic for another day.

To conclude, the philosophy of inferential statistics revolves around “confidence”. Most of the time, the confidence prevails with certainty. Now and then, the confidence is shattered (also) with certainty!

Reference and credit: Jordon Ellenberg.

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Further reading that might interest youHow To Actually Avoid The Transposed Conditional and Why Is The Hot Hand Fallacy Really A Fallacy?

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