A rocket launching shown as a potential use case for gravity as an energy source

To benefit from gravity as an energy source is nothing new to humans. We’ve used gravity to store potential energy in the form of water dams, and other similar applications. But in the more recent years, with the advancement of science and technologies, human beings have developed finer methods of benefiting from gravity as an energy source. This article explores the origins and possibilities in terms of harnessing gravity for energy, and where the future might take us in this field.

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Understanding Gravitational Energy

A person slipping in gravity, as a metaphor for gravity as an energy source

Gravitational energy is defined as the energy available from gravitation. It is the potential energy that exists in the gravitational field of objects, which are caused by gravitational force. Gravitational energy can be converted to other forms of energy, including kinetic energy (the movement of objects), thermal energy (heat), and electromagnetic radiation. Gravitational energy is also equivalent to the amount of work required to elevate an object against a gravitational force.

The earth’s gravitational field has a very strong effect on us, especially when we consider the fact that it provides us with our daily dose of oxygen. But while humans have utilized gravity for their benefit for centuries, only the past few decades have seen intensive research directed towards harnessing gravity as an alternative source of clean, renewable energy.

The Origins of Gravitational Energy Generation

The first human application for using gravity as a source of energy was potentially in stone-age humans living in caves. At some point, they discovered that if they piled up rocks on top of each other, they could trap heat within caves, thus creating warmth that would otherwise be lost. This application has been used since then by human beings all over the world, and still remains one of the most commonly used techniques for retaining heat in homes and buildings today.

A waterwheel that uses gravity as an energy source

From thereon, centuries later, humans learned how to make use of gravitational effects like the flow of water using waterwheels, and later on, with the design of water storage dams, which were then used to produce kinetic energy when needed.

Applications of Using Gravity as an Energy Source

Gravity has been used for many applications, including the generation of electricity, which has already been applied in some countries. It is important to note that these gravity-based energy sources are not new, they have been around for quite some time now. However, advancements in this field are beginning to show promise. The following are some of the different ways that gravity has been used as an energy source:

Tidal Energy

Tidal energy is generated by exploiting the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on earth’s oceans to generate electricity. Tides are caused by gravitational forces exerted by these bodies on earth’s bodies of water. These tides can be captured at specific locations to produce large amounts of electrical energy, which can then be converted into clean electricity to be utilized by humans.

A picture showing a dog playing with waves in the sea - a metaphor for gravity as an energy source in the form of tidal energy

The main problem with tidal power generation is that it’s inconsistent, and doesn’t always provide enough power to meet human demands. For instance, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), during low tide, the energy generated may sink to as low as one-third of the energy produced during high tide. This makes tidal power generation very unreliable because it cannot fulfill human power demands at all times. But despite the inconsistency associated with tidal energy generation, it’s still a preferred renewable energy source due to its significant capacity for producing power from a non-polluting fuel source – water – without emitting any greenhouse gases or any other harmful pollutants into the environment.

Energy from Waterfalls

A water fall - signifying gravity as an energy source

There are lots of waterfalls in the world that flow all year round, which means that there is a significant amount of energy that can be generated by harnessing them. However, waterfalls are not very efficient at producing power because they are affected by factors like the fluctuations in the force of gravity, which makes the rate of energy production fluctuate. One could further argue that installing turbines in waterfalls takes away their natural aesthetic beauty away from them.

Energy From Stored Water Masses Like Dams

A water dam that uses gravity as an energy source

As we discussed previously, this is one of the oldest energy production methods that humans; just that the electrification of stored potential hydro-power is relatively new (just a few centuries old). Hydroelectric power is generated from the movement of water that is converted to electricity by turbines as it passes through a generator. However, as previously mentioned in the case of energy generation from waterfalls, hydroelectric power generation has been criticized because of its negative impact on the environment. The construction of dams can cause a whole lot of environmental damage, and destroy habitats of many species.

Hydraulic Friction Energy

This happens when water from a river is forced to flow through a narrow channel at high speeds. This produces a rotational force which can then be converted into electricity. The problem with this method is that it involves constructing a dam in the riverbed as well.

Future of Gravitational Energy

Although gravitational energy has been around for quite some time now, it could be argued that gravitational energy generation is still in its early stages. For instance, there are still many unresolved problems involved with tidal energy generation and hydroelectric power stations. Many countries are beginning to invest more into this field. With the advancement of science and technology, we can expect to see more innovations and developments in gravitational energy generation. We can also expect to see more alternative methods for harnessing gravitational energy due to the limitations of some of the current methods we discussed above. However, purely based on our knowledge so far, gravity is not likely to be a dominant source of energy in the future. Having said that, it is in my opinion at the same time, indispensable for a clean energy future.

Potential future projects using gravity as an energy source

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Further reading that might interest you: 5 Reasons Why Nuclear Power Is The Future.

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