The story of the banned numbers is about the evolution of numbers in field of applied mathematics. Interested in learning more? Check out the essay!
Is Zero Really Even Or Odd?

Why bother with the question: “Is Zero really even or odd?” Well, I tracked down two historical events that make this question valid and relevant for anyone.
What Is Special About Absolute Zero That Makes It Impossible?

Absolute zero is the scientific term used to define the lowest possible temperature. But in practice, absolute zero cannot be reached. Why is this?
What Exactly Is Zero Raised To The Power Zero?

Zero raised to the power zero is not something you come across in day-to-day life. Any number except zero results in 1 when raised to the power zero. Why not 0?
Why Exactly Is Zero Factorial Equal To One?

It is common knowledge that zero factorial is equal to one. But most of us just take that result for granted. In this article, I answer why 0! = 1.
Why Is A Number Raised To The Power Zero = One?

If you are the typical person, you have the general understanding that a number raised to the power zero equals one. Did you ever question why this happens?
What Really Happens When You Divide Zero By Zero?

In real life or mathematics, you rarely have the requirement to divide zero by zero. Yet, I have been put in a position where I need to answer this question.
Does Division By Zero Really Lead To Infinity?

Division by zero is a strange concept in mathematics. Some enthusiasts argue that the result is infinity. In this article, I test the validity of this claim.
What Really Happens When You Divide By Zero?

When you divide by zero using a calculator, you’ll likely get some form of error message. You won’t get a rational answer. Why is this?