Where did our universe come from?
Did God Create The Universe?
What Does Science Have To Say About This?
An Entropic Thought Experiment
The Five-Minute Plank!
Endless Chaos: The Surprising Rhythms Of Entropy
From a silent room to unavoidable climate change!
Mathematics Vs. Physics: What Makes Them So Different?
There is strength in divergence!
What Happened To The Hermit Scientist?
Look at the Hermit Scientist in the eyes and say "NO" to pseudoscience!
How To Get Better At Problem Solving
You need not be a genius to get better at problem solving. And it problem solving need not be a chore either!
How to Understand The Accelerating Pace Of Human Progress
This essay presents a 10-Stage theory on how to understand the accelerating pace of human progress. If you are into tech/science, you will enjoy this one!
Perpetual Motion Machines: The Elusive Pursuit of Infinite Energy
According to science, perpetual motion machines seem impossible. But the very notion turns out to be incredibly useful. This essay explains how!
How To Use Leverage In Life Using First Principles
To use leverage in life without first principles is to run the risk of failing faster harder than without having used leverage in the first place!