The Unexpected Hanging Paradox challenges the fundamental philosophy of logic. It arises from a simple story-based puzzle. Check out the essay to learn more!
Why Does Science Love Simplicity?
From Newton to Einstein, it turns out that simplicity in science is not so simple. Yet, why does science love simplicity? Read to find out more.
How To Really Solve This Tricky Algebra Problem (XII)
The Tricky Algebra Problem Series celebrates the joy of algebra! Problems range from beginner to advanced levels. This one has an easy difficulty level!
How To Use Entropy Like A Pro In Thermodynamics
Welcome to a crash course on how to use entropy like a pro in thermodynamics. This is the beginner's intro to thermodynamic entropy that you've always wanted!
How To Use Video Games To Solve Scientific Problems
You can use video games to solve scientific problems AND save your job from artificial intelligence. Intrigued? Read the essay to learn how!
How To Really Solve This Tricky Algebra Problem (XI)
The Tricky Algebra Problem Series celebrates the joy of algebra! Problems range from beginner to advanced levels. This one has a medium difficulty level!
How To Actually Count To Infinity?
This essay is a crash course on infinity for dummies! Read on to learn how the fundamentals of set theory help us actually count to infinity!
How To Choose The Fastest Supermarket Line?
A scientific field called queueing theory studies how one could choose the fastest supermarket line. The solution is more counter-intuitive than you think!
The Grue Paradox: Induction Does Not Really Exist.
The grue paradox exposes a central problem in the philosophy of science. It leads to the conclusion that induction does not really exist! Read to learn more!
How To Solve 2×2 Equations In A Single Step
You typically need substitution/elimination to solve 2x2 equations. But the method in this essay lets you skip that & arrive at the solution in a single step!