In real life or mathematics, you rarely have the requirement to divide zero by zero. Yet, I have been put in a position where I need to answer this question.
What Is So Special About Hedge Funds?
Hedge funds have become famous over the last few years. But what exactly are they, and how do these hedge funds operate? This article seeks the answers.
Does Division By Zero Really Lead To Infinity?
Division by zero is a strange concept in mathematics. Some enthusiasts argue that the result is infinity. In this article, I test the validity of this claim.
How To Use Science To Win At Rock-Paper-Scissors?
If you are interested in winning a random game of rock-paper-scissors at a party or two, read along. The strategy is surprisingly counterintuitive.
What Really Happens When You Divide By Zero?
When you divide by zero using a calculator, you’ll likely get some form of error message. You won’t get a rational answer. Why is this?
How You See Traffic Conditions On Google Maps
A notification about traffic conditions on google maps is one thing. But first, let me set the premise of how I arrived at this topic.
How To Benefit From Probability Theory In Life?
How can the typical average person benefit from probability theory? Probability theory is one of the newest and toughest branches of mathematics. It also has a reputation for being one of the most counter-intuitive branches of science / mathematics there is. The works of authors such as Daniel Kahneman and Nassim Taleb just reinstate the […]
How To Better Understand Drone Warfare
When it comes to national and international defense, drone warfare has placed itself firmly as one of the prime options these days. To understand the challenge at hand, let’s first take a step back, and look at defense as a whole in general. The development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced computing have […]
How Pluto Lost Its Status As A Planet
As I was a young student, I learnt that our solar system consists of 9 planets, and Pluto was the last among them from the sun. I was also taught that Pluto was the outermost and coldest planet in our solar system. But in the meantime, Pluto has been declassified as a planet (since 2006), […]
How to Overcome Manipulative Statistics
We see statistics and data everywhere in our daily lives. But should we trust them just like that? This article tries to tackle the problem head on.