What is so special about a math hotel with infinite rooms? For starters, it is a hotel that exists only in the mathematical world, where a game is to played!
What Really Happens When You Invent Infinite Infinities?
‘Infinite Infinities’ is a crazy-sounding concept. Most people have issues wrapping their heads around the concept of infinity. Why infinite infinities then?
Why Are Analogue Computers Really On The Rise Again?
Analogue computers have long been considered outdated technology. They used to be the pinnacle of computing until the 1970s, after which digital computing came.
How To Multiply Any Number By 11 In The Head?
Have you been looking for a fast method to multiply any number by 11 in the head? Then you’ve arrived at the right place! Jokes aside, this could be useful.
How Many Decimal Digits of Pi Do We Really Need?
The decimal digits of Pi have no known ending. We have calculated over 50 trillion decimal digits of Pi. Yet, practically speaking, how many do we really need?
What Exactly Is Zero Raised To The Power Zero?
Zero raised to the power zero is not something you come across in day-to-day life. Any number except zero results in 1 when raised to the power zero. Why not 0?
Why Exactly Is Zero Factorial Equal To One?
It is common knowledge that zero factorial is equal to one. But most of us just take that result for granted. In this article, I answer why 0! = 1.
Why Is 3 A Special Denominator In Division?
What do I mean by 3 being a special denominator in division? It is my way of saying that there is something unique about 3 when it occurs as a denominator.
Why Is A Number Raised To The Power Zero = One?
If you are the typical person, you have the general understanding that a number raised to the power zero equals one. Did you ever question why this happens?
How To Use Mathematics To Choose A Life Partner?
Who in their right mind would use mathematics to choose a life partner? When you are choosing a life partner, mathematics is probably not on your RADAR.