Welcome to a crash course on how to use entropy like a pro in thermodynamics. This is the beginner's intro to thermodynamic entropy that you've always wanted!
How To Use Video Games To Solve Scientific Problems
You can use video games to solve scientific problems AND save your job from artificial intelligence. Intrigued? Read the essay to learn how!
How To Choose The Fastest Supermarket Line?
A scientific field called queueing theory studies how one could choose the fastest supermarket line. The solution is more counter-intuitive than you think!
A Career Based On Passion Is Risky. Here Is Why.
This essay exposes the hidden reasons for why a career based on passion is risky. The bitter truth is hard to swallow. Read the essay to learn more!
The Grue Paradox: Induction Does Not Really Exist.
The grue paradox exposes a central problem in the philosophy of science. It leads to the conclusion that induction does not really exist! Read to learn more!
Can You Really Stop Time? (Sci-Fi Style)
Even if you could really stop time, your life would not at all be like you would expect. Check out the essay to learn more about the science behind this.
Unpopular Candidates Win Elections. How? Here Is The Math.
Unpopular candidates win elections now and then; no big news. But did you know that applied math can explain why this happens? Check out the essay for more!
The Origins Of Entropy: The Hidden Reason Behind Technological Growth
In this essay on the origins of entropy, we look at how it all began. Now, entropy is our key to answering many basic questions. But it had humble beginnings.
Asymmetric Dominance Effect: How To Make Sense of Human Irrationality
The asymmetric dominance effect AKA decoy effect is used by marketing folks to control consumer behaviour. Read this essay to learn how to avoid this trap!
Entropy For Dummies: How To Do It The Easy Way
Entropy for dummies is a simple beginner's framework to understanding entropy. This essay also explains how you can benefit from this knowledge. Check it out!