All you need to perfectly predict improbable events is the power of mathematics. If you find this hard to believe, read the essay. It will change your mind!
How To Really Treat Percentages With Negative Numbers
When do you really need to treat percentages with negative numbers? “Not often. If not, never!” If this is your answer, think again! It's not that simple!
The Bell Curve Performance Review System Is Actually Flawed
The Bell Curve performance review system is one of the most prominently used systems in the corporate world. Yet, it is, at best, pseudo science!
How To Scientifically Design A 2-Dimensional World? (II)
Previously, I covered the scientific principles behind a 2-dimensional world. This essay gives you a sneak-peek into the world of 2-dimensional tech design!
How To Really Use The Superellipse For Elegant Designs
You don't hear the term “Superellipse” very often. Yet, its beauty is everywhere to see. If you are into design, elegance, and beauty, you need to read this!
How To Really Benefit From Curves Of Constant Width?
Curves of constant width represent one of the most elegant real-life applications of plane geometry. If you are into plane geometry, this is for you!
How To Really Tackle The Raven Paradox?
In my previous essay on the raven paradox, I covered how the paradox occurs. In this essay, I will be covering how you can tackle this paradox!
Barnum Statement: How To Really Debunk Astrology
The Barnum Effect is a psychological phenomenon that explains why astrology and its family of pseudo-scientific practices are effective at convincing people.
Molyneux’s Problem – Can You Really Solve This Challenge?
Molyneux’s problem originated as a philosophical thought experiment in the 17th century. It features a simple a question with a complex set of answers!
How To Really Understand The Mathematics of Language?
What does “Mathematics of Language” mean? The answer involves Claude Shannon, entropy, and smartphones. Intrigued? This essay shows how you can benefit!