After reading this article, you would be able to understand why it is seldom possible to know the better of something in the past. You would then go on to appreciate how remarkably susceptible we are as human beings to commit mistakes as a result of the hindsight bias. Finally, you'll get insights into how you can best utilise the knowledge of the hindsight bias to your benefit in real life applications.
Winning the Game of Money – What does it take?
In this article, I categorize the different players in the game of money, and the mechanics of the game at the each level. Once I've built-up the narrative of each player, I try to weave a meaningful plan of action in the conclusion, that is robust enough for a person belonging to the lower-to-mid levels of the game.
Your Health Is Your Biggest Investment
This post is just my effort to stimulate your thoughts about the range of choices that we all have when it comes to our health. My choice matters.Your choice matters. Our choice matters!
How The Economic Machine Works
Have you ever wondered how our economic machine works?
If only someone were to explain this complicated system in simple terms that anyone can understand, it would have been very helpful.
The Decisive Moment
This decisive moment could turn out to be the difference between being massively successful in your endeavours, or being a shadow of what you could have been (hint: the butterfly effect is true).
The Story of The Five Minute Plank
A thoroughly fulfilling experience that bloomed out of an arbitrary challenge to do a 5 minute plank.
Happy New year
I wrote the following text on 8th June, 2017. All parts of this text refer to that timeline, and have not be altered.