Is Higher Education A Scam?

Black Background with Scam Alert written in white informalfont
This essay explores the ethical issue behind the question: Is higher education a scam? We explore the data and facts of the biz model behind higher education.

Why Do We Keep Missing Goals?

Children taking turns kicking footbal into the goal post
This essay tries to answer why we keep missing goals using mathematics. Spoiler Alert: We keep missing goals not because we're not working hard or smart enough!

Can We Stop Lying All The Time?

Two people holding a board seeking truth about corona virus
Truthfulness is generally considered a virtue. But why is it generally so hard to speak and act the truth exclusively? This article tries to uncover the truth about the truth.

Are We Living In A Simulation?

A man with VR Visor on a futurstic bike simulator
This essay tries to answer the philosophical question of whether we are living in a simulation using science. In a plot twist, a hacker offers his view as well.

3 Reasons For Universal Basic Income

An old man holding cash and grinning, while sitting in front of a computer
This article aims to promote a healthy discussion around the topic of universal basic income as an alternative to solve socio-systemic issues we are facing due to our rapid technological advancements.