Is The Promise Of Radical Honesty Really True?

A Statue of a lady holding a balance as a representation of radical honesty
Before we dive into the topic of radical honesty, let’s look at plain old honesty first. Literally every child gets schooled in the value of honesty. It could happen via the family setting or the religious setting or the school setting or all of them. As human beings, we seem to appreciate the value of […]

Can We Really Solve The Ageing Challenge?

A Picture of Two ageing Women Representing Old Age
As far as ageing is concerned, current research suggests that the human life-limit is somewhere around the 120-150-year-mark. But with the advancements in stem-cell and genetic technology, questions are starting to arise if one could extend this figure. Of course, it is not just about extending the life-span, but also about remaining functional in terms […]

How Pluto Lost Its Status As A Planet

A detailed black and white image of Pluto
As I was a young student, I learnt that our solar system consists of 9 planets, and Pluto was the last among them from the sun. I was also taught that Pluto was the outermost and coldest planet in our solar system. But in the meantime, Pluto has been declassified as a planet (since 2006), […]

5 Reasons Why Nuclear Power Is The Future

Nuclear Power Reactors
Over the last decade, there has been a global drive to shut down nuclear power generation. The main reasons cited for this drive are public security, nuclear waste and the risks of uncontrolled nuclear reactions. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 is a good example of the worst scenario coming true. Allegedly, the Tohoku […]

How To Bear Responsibility For Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence Robot staring at an astronaut
The acclaimed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov devised the now well-known three laws of robotics far before today’s artificial intelligence revolution. Asimov’s laws are as follows: First Law A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second Law A robot must obey the orders […]

5 Reasons Not to Hate Mathematics

Image showing 1 + 1 = 3
Most students arguably hate Mathematics the most among all of their technical subjects. But this hate is not only unproductive but is also a big disadvantage!