We've all tried to pull plastic bags apart. If the plastic bag is new and immaculate, tearing it apart is significantly harder than when it already has a cut.
How To Make Drinkable Water From Air?
Drinkable Water is surprisingly not as abundant as salt water is on earth. Some parts of the world are lucky to have an abundant supply of fresh drinkable water, whereas there are other parts of the world that are not so lucky. Research data courtesy of the Water Scarcity Atlas shows just how much the […]
How to Benefit From Gravity As An Energy Source?
To benefit from gravity as an energy source is nothing new to humans. We’ve used gravity to store potential energy in the form of water dams, and other similar applications. But in the more recent years, with the advancement of science and technologies, human beings have developed finer methods of benefiting from gravity as an […]
How To Benefit From Probability Theory In Life?
How can the typical average person benefit from probability theory? Probability theory is one of the newest and toughest branches of mathematics. It also has a reputation for being one of the most counter-intuitive branches of science / mathematics there is. The works of authors such as Daniel Kahneman and Nassim Taleb just reinstate the […]
Why You Actually Hate Cold Water Exposure
Cold water exposure is highly popular in among athletes and adrenaline junkies. The rise in popularity of unique personalities like Wim Hof and David Goggins have just increased public interest towards cold water exposure (at least the adrenaline junkies in the public). There has also been a recent increase in a movement towards the ‘cold […]
How To Best Optimize Energy Consumption
As technology thrives at a rapid pace, the need to optimize energy consumption of humanity is also rapidly rising. With climate change concerns on the one hand, and pollution related health risks of humanity on the other hand, science is also trying to solve the problems it is creating at the same time. As our […]
How To Benefit From Open Source Software
Open source software has been available since the inception of software. ‘Open source’ software is the digital equivalent of ‘for the community, by the community’. Imagine a bunch of users and developers pairing together and solving each other’s problems as a community with active communication and feedback. In today’s day and age, more and more […]
Is New Age Ethical Investing A Good Idea?
The new age ethical investing formula focusses on responsible financial investing. If an investor believes that certain companies are polluting and exploiting natural and / or human resources for the sole purpose of turning a fat profit, the logically responsible decision for her would be to not invest in such a company. If she chooses […]
How To Better Understand Drone Warfare
When it comes to national and international defense, drone warfare has placed itself firmly as one of the prime options these days. To understand the challenge at hand, let’s first take a step back, and look at defense as a whole in general. The development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and advanced computing have […]
Is Technology Dependency Really A Concern?
Technology has been developing at a rapid rate over the past few centuries, and technology dependency has been rising along with it. We have come to a point now, where some of our most difficult tasks are being outsourced to technology. However, over the past decades, things have started to make a further shift. The […]