It is no secret that you get very fast search results on your browser. But have you ever tried to search for a file on your computer? It's annoyingly slow! Why?
What Really Happens When You Divide By Zero?
When you divide by zero using a calculator, you’ll likely get some form of error message. You won’t get a rational answer. Why is this?
Why Do You Feel Odd When You Oversleep?
Do you ever feel odd when you oversleep? I usually never set an alarm before going to bed, and sleep as long as I wish to. And the inevitable happened last week. I overslept! I hadn’t slept well the day before, and wanted to compensate for it. So, I forced myself to sleep longer, even […]
Can You Unplug Your USB Stick When You Want?
“Safely eject USB stick before unplugging it” - This is the normal protocol that you are strongly suggested follow when you wish to unplug your USB stick. Why?
Why Do Certain Songs Make You Feel Emotional?
Have you ever noticed how certain specific songs make you feel emotional? Why is that? What about music makes you feel excited or sad, for instance?
Why Do You See No Soap-Resistant Epidemic Out There?
If a vaccine-resistant pandemic or a disinfectant-resistant epidemic is a thing, why do you see NO soap-resistant epidemic out there? In fact, doctors and medical organisations are constantly advising us to switch to using soap and water rather than alcohol based anti-bacterial or anti-viral disinfectants. They advise us so because of the fear of disinfectant-resistant […]
Smart Buildings: A New Threat To Data Privacy?
Of all smart things, we’re talking about smart buildings now? If this is the question on your mind, I totally get it. I feel your skepticism. However...
How You See Traffic Conditions On Google Maps
A notification about traffic conditions on google maps is one thing. But first, let me set the premise of how I arrived at this topic.
A Surprisingly Odd Fact About Dying Brain Cells
Dying brain cells are an everyday occurrence. In fact, dying cells are common all over the body. Yet, what is it about brain cells that particularly interests us in this article today? Well, it was a curious question asked by someone that triggered this venture. The question was, “If my brain cells die every day, […]
Why You Actually Love Negativity
Who in their right mind would love negativity? Contrary to intuition, negativity is a very attractive word for human beings.