Did you know that temperature has a lower limit of -273.15°C, and yet it has no upper limit? In this article, we look at why temperature has no upper limit.
What Really Happens To Your Knees When You Gain 1Kg?
You might think that gaining 1 Kg of body weight should have negligible effects on your knees. But I’m here to question that line of thought.
Is There Any Such Thing As a ‘Stupid Question’?
When was the last time you were told that you had asked a stupid question? Did you really believe that your question was stupid, or did you accept it as a fact?
The Fascinating Reason Why Water Does Not Burn
Water does not burn. Typically. But under certain circumstances, even water can be made to burn! In this article, we look at the simple scientific explanation.
Why Is The New COVID Variant Called “Omicron” Instead Of “Nu”?
Did you know that each new covid variant is named after a Greek alphabet?
Cool Down Hot Food Before It Goes In The Fridge
If you don't cool down hot food before refrigerating it, you are taking risks that you might not be aware of!
How To Learn Faster And More Efficiently?
If you often spend a lot of time trying to understand something, and end up being frustrated, I may have something for you to learn faster and more efficiently.
Why is Water Remarkably Effective At Putting Out Fire?
Have you ever been in need of putting out fire? Did it happen recently? Or did it happen when you were a child? Did water come to your mind? If so, why?
How To Be More Mindful And Not Get Lost In Thought?
Here is a simple strategy that lets you not get lost in thought and be more mindful. You don't need 15 years of new-age-sage-training to pull it off.
What Really Happens When You Whisper?
When you whisper, you reveal a secret. But I've got an even bigger secret for you that can never be whispered!