If you are the typical person, you have the general understanding that a number raised to the power zero equals one. Did you ever question why this happens?
How To Use Mathematics To Choose A Life Partner?
Who in their right mind would use mathematics to choose a life partner? When you are choosing a life partner, mathematics is probably not on your RADAR.
What Really Happens When You Divide Zero By Zero?
In real life or mathematics, you rarely have the requirement to divide zero by zero. Yet, I have been put in a position where I need to answer this question.
How does the the human brain miss the second ‘the’?
Spoiler alert: It's perfectly fine if you missed it the first time. The human brain is designed function this way, and in this article, I try to find out why.
Why Does Stamina Improve Quickly When You Do Cardio?
If you wish that your stamina improve quickly, you'll need this. In this article, I try to delve into the technical aspect of what stamina is how it works.
What Is So Special About Hedge Funds?
Hedge funds have become famous over the last few years. But what exactly are they, and how do these hedge funds operate? This article seeks the answers.
Does Division By Zero Really Lead To Infinity?
Division by zero is a strange concept in mathematics. Some enthusiasts argue that the result is infinity. In this article, I test the validity of this claim.
How To Use Science To Win At Rock-Paper-Scissors?
If you are interested in winning a random game of rock-paper-scissors at a party or two, read along. The strategy is surprisingly counterintuitive.
How To Create Good Value?
What does the phrase ‘create good value’ mean to you? If you are an artist, creator, or a product designer, you will need this.
Why Is Alcohol Really A Superior Disinfectant?
It is not just germs though; alcohol kills just about everything it comes in contact with. It is this nature of alcohol that made me curious.