Is Zero Really Even Or Odd?

An image asking the question: Is Zero really even or odd?
Why bother with the question: “Is Zero really even or odd?” Well, I tracked down two historical events that make this question valid and relevant for anyone.

How To Use Mathematics To “Guess” Someone’s Age

How To Use Mathematics To "Guess" Someone's Age : A stick figure with the label 'YOU' stands on the left and a stick figure labelled 'TARGET' stands on the right. There is a loopy tunnel betwen the two. Underneath this, there is a straight tunnel labelled 'SECRET MATH HYPERSPACE'. The stick figure labelled 'TARGET' moves through the loopy tunnel, whereas the stick figure labelled 'YOU' moves through the straight tunnel.
Have you ever felt the urge to “guess” someone’s age? This urge is especially strongest when the person is too shy to talk about it. That’s where mathematics comes in handy. In this article, I’ll be sharing a nice little mathematical trick that will help you guess anyone’s age. I’ll give you two variations of […]