Welcome to the fifth entry in the tricky algebra problem series. This one is aimed at beginners. Can you solve this challenge in under one minute?
How To Benefit From Computer Science In Real Life? (III)
Learn how to benefit from computer science to solve sort and search problems in real life. Also included is an introduction to the modern random stow method!
How To Really Understand Expected Value?
Expected value is another one of those scientific terms that people misunderstand quite often. Read this essay to learn how to spot common traps and avoid them!
How To Benefit From Computer Science In Real Life (II)
Learn how to benefit from computer science via the time-space-money trade-off (AKA resource trade-off) to unclutter complicated decision processes in real life!
How To Benefit From Computer Science In Real Life? (I)
For those who are curious enough, there are plenty of ways to benefit from computer science in real life. This essay illustrates this using practical examples.
How To Actually Solve The Königsberg Bridge Problem?
The Königsberg bridge problem started as a logic puzzle to the city's residents. It laid the foundations for new math fields such as graph theory and topology!
How To Really Solve The Kissing Circles Puzzle
I first came across the kissing circles puzzle when I was studying the topic of hyperspheres. The puzzle as such is quite simple, but it has profound insights!
How To Really Solve This Tricky Algebra Problem? (IV)
Welcome to the fourth entry in the tricky algebra problem series. In this entry, you get to solve a fun and challenging math olympiad level algebra problem!
Big Tech Using Big Data For Perfect Prediction/Spying A Lie
The notion of big tech using big data to predict human behavior remains an ethical concern. This essay covers the mathematics behind such prediction technology.
How To Really Understand Order Of Operations
Order of operations is a fundamental math concept that kids learn at school as BODMAS/PEMDAS. But if you blindly follow PEMDAS/BODMAS, you are taking a risk!