Welcome to the sixth entry in the tricky algebra problem series. In this essay, you are challenged to solve a secondary-school level math olympiad problem!
How To Really Understand Fractals?
Fractals are generally seen as geometric shapes that self-similarly contain themselves at arbitrary scales. Learn about fractals intuitively in this essay!
How To Intuitively Understand Buffon’s Needle Problem
Buffon’s needle problem is a game that juxtaposes geometry and probability. It is a profound concept that laid the foundations of geometric probability.
How To Really Understand Recursion
Recursion is one of those computer science concepts that drives students crazy and makes programmers drool. But most recursion turorials mislead you!
Can You Actually Solve This Viral Geometry Puzzle? (II)
In this essay, I have yet another viral geometry puzzle for you. You need to work out the area of the inscribed circle. Here's a hint to solve it: use tangents!
Why LaMDA Is Not Really Sentient
LaMDA is Google's state-of-the-art chatbot system. A software engineer named Blake Leomoine recently claimed that LaMDA is sentient. This led to a controversy!
How To Really Understand And Benefit From Abstractions
To benefit from abstractions, you need to understand them first. Abstractions power every piece of technology we use. They simplify complex systems!
How To Really Understand Zero-Knowledge Proof
Zero-knowledge proof is when you prove to someone that you know something without revealing to them what you know. This also explains how magic tricks work!
How To Design A Franc-carreau or Fair-square Game
The Franc-Carreau or fair-square is a game of chance that juxtaposes geometry and probability. It is considered to be the origin of geometric probability!
Can You Actually Solve This Viral Geometry Puzzle?
I recently came across this viral geometry puzzle on the web, and found it interesting. All you need is the following hint to solve this puzzle: triangles!