When Projective Geometry Meets Information Theory, you get to get to use error-correcting code to pilot your Mars drone. Richard Hamming's genius saves the day!
Can You Really Solve This Tricky Logic Puzzle? (II)
I am back again with yet another tricky logic puzzle for you. If you are into logical thinking and problem solving, this puzzle is for you! Check it out!
What Happens When Projective Geometry Meets Information Theory? (I)
When Projective Geometry Meets Information Theory, you get to pilot a mars drone. The geniuses of Claude Shannon, Richard Hamming, and Gino Fano save the day!
Can You Really Solve This Tricky Logic Puzzle?
I recently came across a tricky logic puzzle that made me think and engage. If you are into logical thinking and problem solving, this puzzle is for you!
How To Do Basic Math Operations Using Only Ruler And Compass
Why do basic math operations using only ruler and compass? Well, this challenge serves as a precursor to understand Euclid's Demons - more profound mathemaics!
Brain Plasticity: How To Really Supercharge Your Intellect
The science on using brain plasticity to get smarter is surprisingly tricky. While there is credible work in the field, there are pseudo-scientific claims also.
How To Actually Make Parallel Lines Intersect
How can parallel lines intersect? That sounds absurd, right? Except, it turns out they can in a projective plane! Read the essay to find out more about this.
Puzzles: How To Use Them To Improve Brain Performance?
This essay covers the neuroscience behind puzzles. On top of this, you get to solve three bonus puzzles. Each of these puzzles activates a specific brain area!
I Accidentally Almost Started A Business. Here is What Happened.
I almost started a business simply by solving a problem. My solution gained popularing with zero advertisiting - a live case study for entrepreneurs!
Variance: The Reason Why Rich Get Richer And Poor Get Poorer
This essay explains why you need to worry about variance when it comes to financial decisions. It covers the math and psychology behind gains and losses!